By Jacqui Tibbits, Director Consultivation The Coronavirus outbreak has helped raise awareness of loneliness and social isolation within our communities with a focus on those who are vulnerable including older people. The presence of the virus coupled with instructions to stay at home is seeing an increase in community connections and innovation including on-line community groups, adopt a neighbour schemes, and for people to connect or reconnect. One such initiative is the use of red and green cards for vulnerable people to use however I believe there is some caution to be taken.
By Jacqui Tibbits, Director Elder Abuse: to think it doesn’t happen is ludicrous. Sad but true. Painful, yes. Frightening, absolutely. Yesterday, I read a dreadful article from the ABC News. It made me feel sick to my core. A young Mum with early onset dementia enters residential aged care for appropriate and quality care and support. Her husband is unable to care for her at home for he is living with motor neurone disease (MND) - already a devastating situation for this family. We know that in most cases accessing residential care for a loved one isn’t an easy thing to do. This decision is often full of anguish, guilt and pure raw emotions. Values are essential for business success By Jacqui Tibbits, Director Consultivation In life as in business, values are our foundation and guiding light as we grow and expand and explore. Authentic, meaningful and purposeful business values create a connection between staff, volunteers and an organisation. These connections guide and influence the organisational culture, stakeholder interaction, customer satisfaction and ultimately business success. This occurs because values which are meaningful to staff provide guidance while influencing longer term strategies of the organisation. When your business values resonate with people it attracts them – whether they are staff, volunteers or customers. Steve Jobs on returning to Apple in 1997 described its core value to employees as 'we believe people with passion can change the world for the better’ which they are certainly achieving! Safety for seniors: a non-negotiable right By Susan Johnson M (Counselling) Associate, Consultivation On the 2 August 2016 The Third Sector, a professional news site, released an article on the Aged and Community Services SA NT (ACS) request for 'considered approach in responding to the recent elder abuse reported in the Mitcham Residential Care Facility'. Consultivation agrees with the ACS saying thank you Aged and Community Services SA & NT (ACS) for calling for a considered approach to responding to elder abuse as a result of the reported incident in the Mitcham Residential Care Facility. Having worked in abuse prevention for over thirty years it continues to horrify me that the rights of some of our most vulnerable people continue to be negated and abused. Elder abuse insidiously takes place in private, behind closed doors and is frequently perpetrated by someone in a relationship, role or position that implies trust. |
Jacqui TibbitsJacqui is a positive change management specialist with a penchant for public speaking. Susan JohnsonSusan has expertise in cognitive behaviour therapy, narrative therapy & mindfulness. Guest bloggersGuest bloggers are invited to contribute to the Consultivation blog. If you have an idea, concept or perspective you would like to share please contact Jacqui at Consultivation.
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June 2020